A.k.a long form ramblings of my inner mind - enjoy! 

A Love Letter To London
Nat Wolf Nat Wolf

A Love Letter To London

As I write this, my heart feels a gravitational pull like no other. It’s not just the people, it’s the realisation of just how much I connected with people through food. I am going to sound like a broken record for saying this. But I have fallen in love with food, I have totally surrendered to it and am not mad about it all. 

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Winning Masterchef 2024 | Thank You Letter
Nat Wolf Nat Wolf

Winning Masterchef 2024 | Thank You Letter

Thank you, from the depths of my heart, for making this dream a reality. For reminding me that existing so that I can make plates of food is enough. This journey is ours, and I am forever grateful. Together, we have created something beautiful, something lasting, and something that will continue to inspire me for years to come.

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