Winning Masterchef 2024 | Thank You Letter

Winning MasterChef Season 16 feels like a fever dream, the culmination of a wild, often chaotic journey through flavors, emotions, and self-discovery. It’s been an odyssey, one that began when my mental health was fraying at the edges, and I sought solace in the kitchen. Cooking was my sanctuary, the place where the noise in my head quietened and I could find some semblance of peace.

First, I wish to acknowledge the elders past and present, not just in Australia and Thailand, but around the world. Your wisdom and cultural heritage have been the foundation upon which I stand. Your stories, traditions, and resilience have inspired me to create art through food, to celebrate our shared humanity with every dish I serve. Each ingredient, each recipe, each meal is a thread in the vast tapestry of history, binding us to those who came before.

To my incredible mates who have become my family—thank you for your patience, understanding, and unwavering love. You are the ones who shaped me into who I am today. Whether we spent just a few days, weeks, months, or years together, you have all touched my heart deeply. Our connections remain unbroken, and every time we talk, it feels like no time has passed at all.

I think back to those wild nights of hosting impromptu pot-lucks that somehow turned into chaotic supper clubs. In tiny towns surrounded by snow-capped mountains or in bustling cities, your camaraderie made those culinary experiments not just possible, but joyous. You let me cook for you, experiment on you, and find my zen in the chaos of the kitchen. You endured my chatterboxes and annoying Nat questions about life, yet you stayed by my side.

To my family in Aotearoa [NZ], thank you for dealing with my relentless passion for music, art, food, and culture events. You watched me drown when I tried to do them all at once and cheered me on when I found my groove. Your support was unwavering, and your presence in my life has been a constant source of strength. You have seen me at my best and my worst, and you have always been there to lift me up. Your patience and enthusiasm have kept me going through sleepless nights and endless meal preps.

To the MasterChef family and the incredible crew behind the scenes, thank you. You pushed me to my limits in every way possible, yet cared for me so dearly. The long days of filming, the intense challenges, and the emotional rollercoaster would have been impossible without your support. You made MasterChef the most unforgettable experience of my life and shaped me into a whole new person. You were there whenever we needed anything, always ready with a smile, a word of encouragement, or a helping hand. You have created a community that is more than just a show; it is a family.

To my immediate family, I am deeply grateful for your patience and understanding. I know I've been away from Naarm [Melbourne] for so long, disappearing and going radio silent, but every step of this journey has led to this moment. Your forgiveness and unwavering support, no matter how crazy my ideas seemed, have meant everything to me. I always felt your hearts with mine, even from miles away. You believed in me when I doubted myself, and you stood by me when the path seemed uncertain. Your love has been my anchor, and I am forever grateful for your presence in my life.

To the chefs who inspired me and helped me along the way, your guidance and creativity have been a constant source of inspiration. You showed me the possibilities within the culinary world, pushing me to innovate and explore beyond the conventional. Your influence is etched into every dish I create, and your passion has fueled my own. 

To everyone who has been part of this journey, from the chaos of my kitchen to the quiet moments of reflection—thank you. You have believed in me when I struggled to believe in myself. You have eaten my wild dishes, shared my manic energy, and celebrated my victories. You have been my sounding boards, my taste testers, and my biggest cheerleaders. Your encouragement has been a beacon of light on this journey, guiding me forward even in the darkest moments.

Winning this title is not just a personal triumph but a collective one. It’s a testament to the power of community, friendship, and the unbreakable bonds forged over shared meals. This victory is for all of us who find solace, joy, and connection through the simple act of cooking and sharing food. It is a reminder that food is not just sustenance; it is a language of love, a bridge between cultures, and a celebration of life.

As I take the next steps into this incredible food journey, I invite you to watch this space, to tune in, and to join me. This journey has absolutely ignited my heart and made me fall head over heels for it. I want to stand on the shoulders of the people who have come before me—especially my family and Thai culture. For those stories and meanings written all over our culture to continue, to be heard. I can feel it becoming the vessel that allows me to be part of the conversation about the changes I want to see in the food scene. I envision a world where people are more open-hearted and willing to embrace the exciting new chapters of food that are coming their way.

First stop, London. Here we go.

Thank you, from the depths of my heart, for making this dream a reality. For reminding me that existing so that I can make plates of food is enough. This journey is ours, and I am forever grateful. Together, we have created something beautiful, something lasting, and something that will continue to inspire me for years to come.

With all my love and gratitude,  

Nat Wolf

"Find what you love and let it kill you." -

Charles Bukowski



A Love Letter To London